Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Three more pics . . .

. . . that the technology wouldn't let me load in the previous post. More playing with stitches. And the paisley drawing is taken from one of the old print blocks. Pics 2 and 3 were done in advance as samples for the groups. The rest will be worked on further as time goes on, and embellishments will be added. Very much work in progress, and there may be updates from time to time.

Welcome . .

. . . anyone reading this to the blog of the Macclesfield and District branch of the Embroiderers' Guild in the UK. The idea is to provide a web space to show the variety of work the members do, for their own interest, and for the interest of anyone else who may find this blog. New to blog reading? Click on the highlighted words to bring up a related website. Click on a picture to get a larger version.
Technically, I am the IT rep for the branch, and have set this up using my identity and alongside my own blog, and am not sure how to change that. It means that the name at top right is mine, and if you 'view complete profile' in the side bar you see stuff about me! If I knew how to do it differently I would! So please ignore all that, these pages belong to the stitchers of the EG branch in the silk town of Macclesfield, Cheshire.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Here's some we did earlier . . .

. . . and brought for a display at our November meeting.
There's such a variety of talent in the group, from cross stitch to patchwork, from stumpwork to free machine embroidery. Some people do kits, some people use tyvek, shrink plastic, angelina, dissolvable fabric. Some do canvaswork, some play with all the gizmos - soldering iron, heatgun, etc.
This month we had a hands-on session, choosing one of 5 stitches to play around with - buttonhole, chain stitches, couching, heringbone and knots. We worked to a pattern taken from one of the Macclesfield Silk Museum print blocks, a paisley shape. The aim is to create a hanging from them and give it to a local hospice.
Blogger wont put the other 3 pics in for me, so I'll try again later.